Learning to adapt to changing season of life

two blue thought bubbles with title, adapting to changing seasons and author business name write.speak.relate  and website dr andrea towers scott dot com

To everything there is a season

“For everything there is a season…”

(Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Solomon was certainly right about that! We’re all in one season or another. I’m in the peri-menopause, aging parent, teen children, tired of my career season. I’m in a season that is much more demanding for my time and energy than I anticipated.

How about you? What season are you in? Do you feel prepared for it?

I'll Start Again Monday: Break the Cycle of Unhealthy Eating Habits with Lasting Spiritual Satisfaction

As times change, we change

I also find I’m more introspective during this time. As I shift to a new stage of adulthood I find I’m more aware of what I’m doing and why. It seems that I am cycling through connection and distance more now. Could be hormones, could be the parenting time period.

But this means I will be super connected and posting a lot, then I find I am in a quieter season, more prayerful and reflective, while less outwardly communicative. Those times I am posting less and engaging with fewer people. I’ve struggled against this in the last year. But I recently decided that it’s okay. My time of quiet is preparing me for the next season.

Find hope amid anxiety through the spiritual practice of breath prayer in this beautifully illustrated and practical guide to connecting body, mind, and spirit during times of stress.

Learning to adapt

Learning to adapt to the changing life periods can be tough. It’s all new, know what I mean?

On my end, I’ve got some great ideas and I’m writing my second book. I’m working on some ideas for things to sell here at the website and I’m building on some ideas for more speaking engagements. What are you working on during this season in your life?

Thanks for your support. Let me know how I can pray for the season YOU are in!


🌸 Andrea


* This book is a bit dated but the content is still relevant and it’s by two timeless authors – Charles Swindoll and Billy Graham. I’m of the mind that you can’t go wrong with those guys!


I am an author, speaker, and communication professor. My specialty is teaching people how to have successful, faith-based relationships. My passion is to teach people how to live out Scripture in healthy relationships, especially at home. I've been married for 29 years and have two boys - ages 19 and 15. I love to bake to show my love, so you'll sometimes see favorite recipes!