We’re all chasing something & How to stop

We’re all chasing something & How to stop

Chasing Something

Seems we’re always chasing something. Chasing dreams and blessings. Chasing skinny and pie (yup, sometimes on the same day!).

I find that I’m chasing a lot lately…chasing a stress-free life, a more joyful marriage, the weight I was at a year ago, more views on my website (thanks for being here!), content that is meaningful, speaking engagements, friendships, God.

God ended up last on my list and that’s probably not a mistake. My morning study time has pretty much gone down the toilet. In getting up at 430 a.m. to to go to the gym with my son, I find I’m spending MUCH less time with God in the morning.

My marriage is good, but I still want more, better, joy.

I want to help people but feel like it’s just not happening. I’m getting discouraged even though I’m sure my growth is normal.

Can you relate? What are you chasing? Does it feel a bit like a dog chasing his tail – never ending and never successful?

Why bother?

When we chase all these things we are saying that we aren’t satisfied with things the way they are. We’re disgruntled and dissatisfied.

The problem is, when we’re dissatisfied with our life, we are telling God that His plan isn’t very good. Even if we’ve created the mess we’re in, if we are chasing solutions then we aren’t really trusting God. The first verse I ever memorized is “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6). When we are chasing all this other stuff, we aren’t letting Him make our path straight.

If you’re like me, you’re tired of this curvy, rock-laden, messy road. I long for a straight path with no stumbling blocks.

How to attain peace

I think that when we chase we are lacking peace. We aren’t in the moment trusting God. We are living in a dream moment – one we wish for and hope for – but maybe isn’t God’s best for us. How do we know God’s best for us? We draw near to Him and study. We learn from Him.

In chasing GOD instead of – skinny, joyful marriage, likes and shares, and more time – we will find all that we really need.

I encourage you to take time today to rest. Read Scripture. Find a Bible study you enjoy and take time every day to work on it. I find lots of good studies at my local online library. It doesn’t matter when you do it, just do it. When we engage with God we are chasing HIM instead of all that other stuff that really doesn’t mean much in the long run.

So today I vow to stop chasing all those things that are stressing me out. Instead I vow to chase God and His best for me.

I’ll let you know how it goes. 💕

What’s your favorite Bible study or Bible study author? Let us know in a reply so we can all check it out.

With love,

🌸 Andrea


I am an author, speaker, and communication professor. My specialty is teaching people how to have successful, faith-based relationships. My passion is to teach people how to live out Scripture in healthy relationships, especially at home. I've been married for 29 years and have two boys - ages 19 and 15. I love to bake to show my love, so you'll sometimes see favorite recipes!