What Does God’s Rest Look Like?

picture of a church with title, "what does God's rest look like?" and author website - dr andrea towers scott dot com

My youngest son and I were talking last Sunday about Sabbath Rest . We were talking about what it means for us and how we can practice it.

I wondered aloud how God rests. If He can do whatever He wants, what does He do?

The Jesus Storybook Bible Prison Outreach Edition

While it may seem silly to wonder, we are told specifically that God rested and we are instructed to do the same.

picture of a young boy with a butterfly resting on his hand

I encourage you to take some time to play around with the idea today while you rest.

Talk with your kids – ask what they think. How does God rest? What’s He doing when He rests? Does he get silly? Does he laugh at His kids? How about sleep? Have fun with it!

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Happy resting,

🌸 Andrea

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I am an author, speaker, and communication professor. My specialty is teaching people how to have successful, faith-based relationships. My passion is to teach people how to live out Scripture in healthy relationships, especially at home. I've been married for 29 years and have two boys - ages 19 and 15. I love to bake to show my love, so you'll sometimes see favorite recipes!