How to Manage the Changing Seasons of Marriage

two gold wedding rings with title, 'how to manage the changing seasons of marriage' and author website, dr andrea towers scott dot com

The day was bright and beautiful. There was a gentle breeze and the sun was shining. It wasn’t too hot, though. The temperature was at that perfect in-between point. My soon-to-be husband stood up by the gazebo, waiting for my dad to walk me down the grassy aisle. Our perfect married life was about to begin.

And it was perfect, for quite a while. Then life set in. Frustrations entered our marriage and time brought heartache and loss. We adopted dogs and dogs eventually passed. We had two sons, one of whom is now a young adult living on his own. We’ve had money and lost money. We’ve lived in plenty and in lack. Yet through it all, our love remains. While falling in love is easy, staying in love can be challenging.

Marriage is a journey filled with ever-changing seasons, each unique and beautiful in its own way. Just like the cycle of nature, relationships go through cycles of growth, change, and renewal. In this blog post, we will explore the parallel between the shifting seasons of marriage and the different stages couples experience throughout their journey together.

1. Spring: The Blossoming of Love

In the early stages of a relationship, it’s like the arrival of spring. Everything feels new, exciting, and fresh. Love blossoms, and there is a sense of euphoria as you discover each other’s personalities, dreams, and aspirations. This is a time of sowing the seeds of love and building a strong foundation for the future. While it seems this season may occur only once, thriving marriages return to new blossoming regularly and this deepens their connection.

2. Summer: The Warmth of Togetherness

As the relationship continues to mature, it enters the summer season. The warmth of togetherness and the joy of companionship prevail. Couples experience a deepening of their connection and start to build a life together. Communication and understanding become crucial, just like the sun and rain are vital for a thriving garden during the summer months. Seasons of this warmth come and go with life events, Healthy couples return to this warm togetherness time and time again.

3. Autumn: Navigating Change

Autumn, a season of change, represents the middle years of marriage. Just as leaves change color and fall, couples experience changes and challenges. These could be related to career shifts, parenting, or personal growth. Adapting to change and finding balance become essential during this phase. Again, this season repeats as changes blow through marriage. Changes can always pose challenges, so navigating this season well can be particularly important for long term marriage health. Changes also include natural endings. Learn to embrace them as part of life for healthier relationships.

4. Winter: Weathering Storms and Finding Renewal

Winter, a time of introspection and hibernation, can sometimes mirror the challenges that come with long-term relationships. Cold spells, conflicts, or moments of distance may occur. But just as nature undergoes renewal during winter, couples can use this season to reflect, grow stronger, and find renewed love and appreciation for each other. A winter season where marriage feels “blah” is normal and can be weathered with commitment and skills. One never needs to fear that this season will last forever!

Navigating the Ever-Changing Landscape: Tips for a Strong Marriage

  1. Communication is Key: Open, honest communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Make an effort to understand each other’s needs, fears, and desires in every season.
  2. Embrace Change: Understand that change is inevitable, and it’s how you adapt and grow together that defines the strength of your relationship.
  3. Celebrate Each Other: Take the time to acknowledge and celebrate each other’s achievements, no matter how big or small. Celebrate individual as well as joint achievements.
  4. Focus on God: God will guide your marriage when you keep your marriage focused on Him. Pray together, read Scripture together, and pray for each other. Grow in your faith together and your marriage will weather all the seasons with hope and faith.
  5. Prioritize Your Relationship: In the midst of life’s demands, make sure to prioritize your marriage. Spend quality time together, go on dates, and keep the flame alive.
  6. Seek Professional Help if Needed: Don’t hesitate to seek the guidance of a couples therapist if you encounter challenges that seem insurmountable. Professional help can provide valuable insights and tools to navigate difficult seasons.

Marriage is a beautiful journey, and like the changing seasons, it’s a cycle of growth, transformation, and renewal. Embrace each season, knowing that it contributes to the beauty and strength of your relationship.

🌸 Andrea

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I am an author, speaker, and communication professor. My specialty is teaching people how to have successful, faith-based relationships. My passion is to teach people how to live out Scripture in healthy relationships, especially at home. I've been married for 29 years and have two boys - ages 19 and 15. I love to bake to show my love, so you'll sometimes see favorite recipes!