Spring Renewal for Your Marriage: Faith & Communication

When I was a child, spring was my favorite season. I loved the vibrant green everywhere, the crocuses peeking their little heads up, daffodils swaying in the breeze, and the whole world coming to life again in a season of growth after the cold winter. We open the house and let the spring winds blow through our closed-up house. Now as an adult in Florida, we see less transformation, but the season still brings me joy. And it reminds me that marriages go through seasons, too, and that spring is a great time for me to air out my marriage and bring some new life to it.

cherry blossom border; title in the middle: Spring Renewal for Your Marriage: Faith & Communication and author website at the bottom - dr andrea towers scott dot com


 As the world awakens from its winter slumber, spring emerges as a sign of renewal and growth. Many of us equate spring with vibrant blooms, longer days, and the invigorating promise of new creation.

Just as nature undergoes changes, spring offers a perfect opportunity for couples to breathe new life into their marriages. Embrace the season’s essence by fostering personal and relational growth, allowing the fresh energy of spring to inspire a deeper connection and renewed commitment. By focusing on our faith and open communication we address two core concepts of a healthy and sound marriage.

Embracing Spiritual Renewal

Personal new beginnings are related to spiritual growth and they come from the holy spirit. Scripture reminds us that we are to focus on renewing our minds in Jesus Christ: Romans 12:2 – “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” This transformation puts our focus on God and Scripture and not on the natural world.

When we reflect on renewing your mind, we pave the way for healthier communication. When we communicate with our spouse in godly ways, we are putting Christ at the center of our marriage. We begin to communicate in ways consistent with Scripture, thus focusing our marriage on those things above – of God. When we communicate the way that God tells us to, we can’t go wrong!

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The Power of Open Communication

Honest and loving dialogue is essential for a thriving marriage. When we share what’s on our mind in a loving way, focusing on the way God tells us to communicate, we have a deeper understanding of each other and our relationship. When we are honest and loving with all of our family members, we set the example for successful, loving communication. The natural world does not teach how to communicate in a godly way, but having a deeper understanding of God’s Word will lead you to the type of communication that is grounded in your faith journey. Take some quality time to study God’s Word to understand what it says about communication. I can help with that – it’s my main reason for posting here! There are lots of posts here that marry communication with Scripture to give you ideas for how to communicate in a godly way.

If you and your spouse both have the common goal of honest and loving communication, you will both be communicating to understand the other. This mutual understanding will help you to set aside your own concerns to put your spouse first.

When we communicate in a loving and honest way, we are careful about the words we say. Ephesians 4:29 reminds us – “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up…” We all have thoughts that we shouldn’t share. Just because a thought pops in your head doesn’t mean you have to share it with your spouse. Share those thoughts that are both loving and honest. Not just one or the other. And remember that sometimes it’s okay to hold your tongue and not say the caustic, biting remark that comes to mind. Those thoughts are typically about going your own way, not focusing on your spouse.

Practical Skills

There are lots of practical ways to put these ideas into practice in your marriage. Focus on quality listening skills first. Listen to understand, not prove your point. Also practice holding your tongue when you have a comment to share that is not helpful for your marriage. Instead of saying it to your spouse, say it to God and tell Him your frustrations. Sometimes we need to say something difficult that needs to be said. In those cases, be sure love precedes the hard words. Something liken, “Honey, I love you and I know that you care for me more than I could ever know. I understand you want to take good care of me. I’m feeling a bit frustrated, though, when you [state action]. Can we find a way that you can take care of me and I feel less [smothered? Incompetent?]?”

Practical Strategies for Renewal For Your Marriage

There are lots of ways you can connect with your spouse and embrace healthy communication skills. Schedule regular prayer time together. Engage in a Bible study together. Join a small group for Bible study. Practice forgiveness with little things so you know how to do it when bigger issues arise (you also put to bed those little issues, and that’s very healthy!). Find a community service project you can do together. Take a prayer walk through your community. Engage in a hobby together. Read books about marriage and communication together and talk about what you learn. Use a journaling or reflection exercise to work through your thoughts about your faith and your marriage.

photo of Andrea and book to speak link


Springs’ time of transformation and renewal extends to our marriage as well. Use this time to focus on a bright new direction for your marriage. Spend time honing your communication skills while you deepen your faith.

Plan to implement one small change this season and reflect on the impact. Let me know in the comments what change you’ll be starting this spring!

Scripture wrap-up: Isaiah 43:19 – “See, I am doing a new thing!” Let God do a new thing in YOUR marriage today!

Peace & Joy,

🌸 Andrea

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I am an author, speaker, and communication professor. My specialty is teaching people how to have successful, faith-based relationships. My passion is to teach people how to live out Scripture in healthy relationships, especially at home. I've been married for 29 years and have two boys - ages 19 and 15. I love to bake to show my love, so you'll sometimes see favorite recipes!

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