The Chosen: Where to find it in the Bible

The Chosen: Where to find it in the Bible
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Note: The comments made here are my own and not endorsed by The Chosen or Dallas Jenkins.

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SEASON 1: Episode 1

The Chosen: Introduction

The Chosen is a tv series with its own app written and directed by Dallas Jenkins, among others. There is also a novel based on the series.

The Chosen is a narrative about the life of Jesus Christ. While rooted in Scripture, it’s important to realize that in this form it’s still fiction. 

Scripture is rooted in Truth, however. When we understand that Truth, we see the bigger story that God created for us. 

The Bible tells us how to live our lives for the God who created us. It tells the story of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

When we understand the Bible verses on which The Chosen is created, we can use the stories to know how to live our own lives.

You can learn more when you sign up to receive emails describing how these verses apply to our own lives in a very personal way. You can sign up for those personal emails here.

Episode 1

Episode 1 introduces many main characters. 

Before I ever watched The Chosen I heard about it from a friend. She said that the first two episodes were a bit challenging as they work to inintouce all the characters. Many of the people look alike until you get to know their characteristics better. She was definitely right. 

I promise it’s worth it to persevere, though, and get to know them all. In quick order you will come to love them, as I and so many others do.

Chosen Key Characters

Right away in the first episode a girl is reciting verses with her father. Later we meet a woman whom we learn is the same as the child. She is out of her mind (Scripture). The woman’s name is Lilith (though her given name is Mary).

Nicodemus, a great Pharisee; “Teacher of teachers”; member of Sanhedrin; is called in to perform exorcism

Enemies of the Pharisees: Sadducees, Essences, Zealots

Matthew – Plulicanus; tax collector; not liked (obviously)

Fishermen portrayed as “unholy, given to gambling” – fishing on Sabbath, not turning in taxes (because Rome thinks they are being honest and NOT fishing on sabbath.

Simon, Wife Eden, Brother Andrew

Basic Facts

Adonai is God

Verse for this episode

Isaiah 43:1 (NIV) , “Now this is what the LORD says—

He who created you, O Jacob,

and He who formed you, O Israel:

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;

I have called you by your name; you are Mine!”

What does it mean?

These verses move beyond “God created the heavens and the earth” that we read in Genesis. The verse here from Isaiah speak of God’s specific love for his people. He made His people (all of us, including you!) and He has rescued them from adversity and trouble.

This verse is a consolation for His people – and that His consolation, and later Salvation – are His free gift.

The verse from Isaiah should be comforting.

It’s one of my favorite, most comforting verses in all of the Old Testament. Another comforting part of the Bible is the concept of Sabbath rest. In Episode 1 there is controversy about whether the characters are engaging in a Sabbath rest or not. Even thousands of years later, God still calls us to reest.

Want to receive personal emails with application to your own life from these verses? Sign up here.

Questions? Please ask in the comments. I’ll be happy to answer personally.

With love

🌸 Andrea

Helpful Resources:

PS If this article was helpful, I’d be honored for you to share it with a friend.


I am an author, speaker, and communication professor. My specialty is teaching people how to have successful, faith-based relationships. My passion is to teach people how to live out Scripture in healthy relationships, especially at home. I've been married for 29 years and have two boys - ages 19 and 15. I love to bake to show my love, so you'll sometimes see favorite recipes!