Winter Devotionals: Embracing Daily Time with God in 2025


I love this season of the year. For me it’s a season of beauty as the world resets and we prepare for the new life of spring. With the season of busyness (Christmas and New Years) behind me I get to focus on what’s ahead. The new year holds such promise. And while I don’t live where it snows, it gets cold for us, so it feels like winter.

snowy scene with a cabin. Title in the middle, "Winter Devotionals: Embracing Daily Time with God in 2025" and author website below, dr andrea towers scott dot com

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Winter as a Season of Stillness and Reflection

Winter, with its shorter days and colder temperatures, naturally invites a sense of quiet and stillness. The hustle of the holiday season has passed, and the pace of life often slows down as people retreat indoors. This season provides a unique opportunity to pause, reflect, and recalibrate your spiritual journey.

In many ways, winter mirrors the stillness and rest described in Scripture. Psalm 46:10 encourages us to “Be still, and know that I am God,” a call to quiet our hearts and focus on His presence. The absence of summer’s busyness or fall’s flurry of activities makes winter an ideal time to heed this call.

During this time, you can use the natural quietness of the season to listen more intently to God’s voice, meditate on His Word, and consider His plans for your life. Just as fields lie fallow in winter to prepare for spring’s growth, our hearts can use this season to rest and ready themselves for spiritual renewal and growth.

Benefits of Winter Devotionals for Spiritual Growth

  1. Deepening Your Connection with God:
    Winter devotionals allow you to set aside an intentional time period to draw closer to God. Without the distractions of outdoor activities or packed social calendars, you can focus more fully on your relationship with Him.
  2. Encouraging Rest and Renewal:
    The slower pace of winter offers a chance to rest not only physically but also spiritually. Devotionals focused on themes of peace, trust, and renewal can help you find rest for your soul, as Jesus promised in Matthew 11:28-30.
  3. Cultivating a Habit of Consistency:
    Establishing a devotional routine during winter sets a strong foundation for the rest of the year. The quiet of this season makes it easier to create a habit of meeting with God daily, a discipline that can carry you through busier times.
  4. Exploring Seasonal Themes in Scripture:
    Winter-themed devotionals often focus on themes of waiting, trust, and God’s faithfulness. These can be particularly encouraging as you navigate challenges or seek direction during the start of a new year.
  5. Finding Joy in Simplicity:
    Winter devotionals can help you embrace the simplicity of the season and recognize God’s presence in the small, quiet moments of life. This mindfulness can deepen your gratitude and contentment.
  6. Strengthening Family or Community Bonds:
    Sharing a devotional with your family or small group during the winter can strengthen relationships and foster accountability. It’s a great way to encourage one another and grow together in faith. This is also a good time to think about forming a small group to talk through a devotional or Bible study.

By embracing winter devotionals, you can transform this season into a time of spiritual richness, preparing your heart for the growth and opportunities that lie ahead in the coming months.

photo of Andrea and book to speak link

Choosing the Right Devotional

Here are some suggestions for winter-themed devotionals:

Another suggestion for choosing the right devotional is starting with a word study. You can study seasons, feelings, and new beginnings. Then turn your Scripture readings into your own devotional that you write in your journal.

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Creating a Cozy Devotional Routine

Whether you are reading a devotional and making notes in your journal or engaging in a winter Bible study, you want to make your space warm and inviting. Even here in Florida our nights are cold, so I often start a fire first thing in the morning to take the chill off the house. My favorite mornings are doing Bible study and devotionals in front of the fire. There’s nothing cozier!

If you don’t have a fireplace you might want to light some candles to set a quiet and warm atmosphere. You might also want to start with some worship music. I love finding my favorite songs and connecting with God through worship once I’ve read Scripture.

close up photography of snowflake
Photo by Egor Kamelev on

Reflecting on God’s Word During Winter

If you want to develop your own type of devotional you can find Scriptures on themes of rest and renewal. Begin with prayer. Ask God to guide your reading and reflection time. Then read Scriptures associated with the theme you chose. Then journal insights from your quiet time.

Your prayer might look something like this:

Dear God, thank you for this quiet time to connect with you and learn about your will for me in this season. The rock-like burdens in my life threaten to pull me under, but I know that you are God and you are the God of all areas of my life. Guide my reading and give me insights to you and your Son today. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Encouragement to Stay Committed

It’s tempting to skip a day with devotionals or Bible study. But that’s what the enemy wants! He wants you to skip this powerful time with God. I encourage you to stay the course. Keep doing your devotionals, even if it feels like nothing is happening. I promise that God WILL meet you there.

Continue to trust God to meet you in the stillness. As you provide a quiet space for the Holy Spirit to speak, He will. Just give it time. Spend time reading Scriptures, worshipping, and quieting your mind so you can hear the voice of God.

Winter devotionals are a beautiful way to reconnect with God after the Christmas season of celebration. Too often we forget that our focus really is about Jesus and not all the trappings of the season. The ensuing winter is a good time to reboot our faith and place our trust in God before the hopefulness of spring arrives.

The next time you are longing for more, consider a winter devotional. You’ll be glad you did!

Peace & Joy,

🌸 Andrea

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I am an author, speaker, and communication professor. My specialty is teaching people how to have successful, faith-based relationships. My passion is to teach people how to live out Scripture in healthy relationships, especially at home. I've been married for 29 years and have two boys - ages 19 and 15. I love to bake to show my love, so you'll sometimes see favorite recipes!

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