Book Review: What Happens Next

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I recently finished reading What Happens Next by Max Lucado. This nonfiction book explains what will happen at the “end of the age” or the end times.

The new book of September, personal rating 5 stars. Cover of What Happens Next by Max Lucado and author website dr andrea towers scott dot com

Summary of the book

What Happens Next begins with a timeline of biblical events that Max calls “Heaven’s Time Line.” Max clearly outlines what we can expect from now until the final eternity. Every stop on the timeline is marked by Scripture that we can read for ourselves. The timeline includes Old Testament prophecy as well as New Testament passages about what happens when we die.

What Happens Next is written with easy to understand language and relatable stories. While most of Max’s books center on stories that make biblical points, this book is more educational and instructive.

I learned so much from this book! Though I’ve read several articles and books about the end times, I never really understood it all. Max makes it all very understandable. I have a clear grasp of what to expect and what’s to come.

What do I think of the book?

Honestly, the topic is heavy. I needed to read one chapter each day to have time to process it all. Some of it is complicated and I didn’t want to miss a thing.

The bottom line? I loved it. While written in a different style than his usual books, it was outstanding. I’ve already given a What Happens Next to a friend and will be giving more for Christmas gifts.

The book also convinced me that I need to spend more time talking about all God has done for me and the gift Jesus gives us all. I want everyone I know to be in Paradise with me! You’ll be hearing more about that here at my website, for sure. God is leading me down new paths and I want to share about that.

I totally think you should get What Happens Next and find out for yourself what you can expect in the time to come. Max says the end is near and given all the evidence, I’m inclined to agree.

Other formats and materials for What Happens Next

There are other formats for the book, if you are interested. There’s also a study guide with streaming videos and a DVD video series to accompany the study guide. I am working my way through the study guide so I can have a deeper understanding of the next stages in Heaven’s Time Line.

With love,

🌸 Andrea

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I am an author, speaker, and communication professor. My specialty is teaching people how to have successful, faith-based relationships. My passion is to teach people how to live out Scripture in healthy relationships, especially at home. I've been married for 29 years and have two boys - ages 19 and 15. I love to bake to show my love, so you'll sometimes see favorite recipes!

2 Comments on “Book Review: What Happens Next

  1. Andrea, I have read the first couple chapters of “what happens next” and I’m trying to figure out what chapters in the book correlate with each weekly study guide chapter??

    • Lori, Thanks for asking. I used the study guide questions at the end of the book. In his study guides Max generally tells which chapters correspond at the beginning of each study lesson. I hope that helps!

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