Read Your Bible Daily to Strengthen Your Faith

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My daily routine

The alarm wakes me with the sound of birds chirping. I roll over and click ‘stop’ on my iPad alarm. I stretch, say a prayer for guidance and strength in my day, then get up and make the bed. I take care of my personal needs, get the dogs outside, grab some water and sit down for Bible reading and study. The house is noiseless, the sun is barely rising. All is quiet in my world.

sunrise over mountains with "good morning" curved at the top and the title in the middle, "Read Your Bible Daily to Strengthen Your Faith" and author website curved at the bottom - dr andrea towers scott dot com

Why Mornings?

I could read my Bible and do my study any time, really. However, for me, early morning is a special time. The world is silent and there are no distractions. My phone is in my office, so I don’t have it handy to derail my time.

When my kids were little this time was extra precious. If I could get up and get some reading/study done before they woke up, I considered it a major win. Once the kids were up it was nearly impossible to find the uninterrupted time to be alone with the Lord.

My day is always better when I start it with God. I find I’m more centered; more focused on what’s truly important. I remember to pray more when I’ve started my day with God, too.

Early Bible reading and study is also a time to align our heart and mind with God’s purpose for our day. We also read so we can be ready for God to talk to us.

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What is Faith?

The most famous Bible verse about faith comes from the chapter in Hebrews often called the Hall of Faith and it reads “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1 NIV).

If we can’t see it, how do we know it’s true?

So, faith is when we are confident of something, even though we don’t SEE it. I have faith that the wind will blow out the humidity in Florida this fall, even though I won’t SEE it happen. I have faith my husband loves me, even though I don’ t SEE love. I also have faith in God, even though I don’t SEE Him.

Yet in all of these situations, I see the evidence of the items in which I have faith. I know from previous years that while I don’t see the wind, I feel it blowing on my face before the humidity is gone every fall. I’ve learned that it goes away because the wind blows it from our midst, but I never see the wind.

I know my husband love me because he takes care of me – he changes my car oil and gives me little gifts. While neither of those things is love itself, they are clues about his love.

Likewise, I have clues about God’s presence in my life. When I study and pray, I have a peace that passes all understanding. When I read Scriptures, they speak to me about current situations and it’s uncanny. I know that God loves me because of what I read in His Word and the special people He has put in my life.

What do we have hope in?

One Bible scholar tells us that  “the ‘things hoped for’ are not mere figments of the imagination; their basis is the word of God.” We only have that faith when we are familiar with the Word of God.

When we have faith, we have confidence that we will receive the good things for which we hope. Matthew Henry says that faith has always been a mark of God’s servants – and I certainly want to be counted as one of those? What does it mean to be His servant? You guessed it – read and study His Word (the Bible) to find out.

Benefit of faith

We also learn that “without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Hebrews 11:6 NIV).

Those who want to find God must seek Him with all their hearts. Again, we do that through reading and studying Scripture.

Benefits of Reading and Studying the Bible

Getting Started

There are many easy ways to read and study your Bible. The simplest is to just begin reading. Get yourself a Bible and pick a place to start reading. The Bible isn’t like one long story, it’s 33 books of different stories. So you don’t have to read it cover to cover. If you want one of those, try this chronological Bible.

If you have a regular Bible picking a place to start can be overwhelming.

Let me tell you my favorites. My favorite Old Testament (prior to Jesus) books are Ruth and Esther. Genesis is filled with stories you’ve probably heard already so that can be a good one, too.

My favorite New Testament (Jesus’s life and after) is Philippians. It’s all about practical living.

My favorite Gospel (story about Jesus’s life) is Luke. I find him the easiest to read and it has the classic “Christmas story” and that always warms my heart.


There are so many benefits to reading and studying your Bible and growing in faith is just one of them. When you read with your spouse, you grow as a couple when you read the Bible together.

As a married woman your marriage benefits when you read Scripture every day. See here for why married women should start their day with God.

Reading and studying the Bible is also great for helping us to store God’s Word in our heart. When we know God’s Word we grow in our faith, and we are equipped for the inevitable battles that will come our way.

Memorizing Scripture is another way we fill our hearts with God’s Word. I’ll admit I’ve never been good at this until I found one book dedicated to helping readers memorize Bible verses.  The Heart of the Bible Scripture Memorization by John Macarthur is the single best book I’ve ever found for memorizing Scripture. And I love knowing that I’m storing God’s Word up for tough days ahead.

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I hope you see that your faith grows when you read and study your Bible. Find a time every day to meet with God in His Word. While early morning works best for me, you can study any time that works for you. Maybe that’s when your kiddos are taking a nap. Or maybe while the kids are at school or after they go to bed. Time doesn’t matter. What matters is that you do it. You’ll see your faith grow in ways you never imagined!

With love,

🌸 Andrea

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I am an author, speaker, and communication professor. My specialty is teaching people how to have successful, faith-based relationships. My passion is to teach people how to live out Scripture in healthy relationships, especially at home. I've been married for 29 years and have two boys - ages 19 and 15. I love to bake to show my love, so you'll sometimes see favorite recipes!

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