Psalm 91: Personalized Scripture for Children’s Protection

Bible Reading

Why reading Bible is important

Personalized Scripture starts with reading the Bible. Reading the Bible is a foundational practice for Christians, shaping our beliefs, guiding our actions, and nurturing our relationship with God. As we immerse ourselves in God’s Word, we’re reminded of God’s promises, challenged to live out our faith, and equipped with wisdom for everyday life. Bible reading offers a direct connection to the Word of God, a source of encouragement and strength that helps us face both life’s joys and trials with faith. When we prioritize Bible reading, we place God’s voice at the center of our lives, making it easier to live in alignment with His will.

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For Parents

For parents, reading the Bible regularly is also crucial for spiritual growth and serves as a powerful example for our children. As we meditate on Scripture, we develop a godly mindset that overflows into our parenting, helping us cultivate a home environment that reflects Christian values.

By personalizing Bible verses for our children, we communicate God’s love, purpose, and guidance -uniquely tailored to their lives. This unique approach can inspire them to see Scripture as more relevant, encouraging them to seek God’s Word for themselves. Introducing children to the habit of Bible reading helps them understand who they are in Jesus Christ equips them with a moral compass rooted in faith, which can shape their decisions and perspective throughout life.

Why making it personal is important

Personalizing Scripture makes the Word of God come alive, transforming Bible verses from general truths into intimate, personal messages. When we insert our names, situations, or specific concerns into verses, we experience Scripture as God speaking directly to us. This practice deepens our connection with God, helping us understand that His promises are not just for people in the past, but for us today. It encourages us to approach Scripture with an open heart, ready to receive God’s guidance, comfort, and encouragement in ways that are relevant to our current circumstances.

For children, personalizing Scripture can be especially powerful. Young minds often struggle to grasp abstract ideas, so hearing verses tailored to their experiences can make God’s Word feel real and accessible. When children hear their names in a verse, it helps them understand that God cares about them individually, knows their unique struggles, and has a plan for their lives. Personalizing Scripture also creates positive associations, helping children see Bible reading as a source of encouragement and inspiration rather than something distant or difficult to understand.

As we show children how to find themselves in God’s Word, we’re laying a foundation for a lifelong relationship with the Bible. They begin to see God as someone who knows and loves them intimately, which fosters a strong, enduring faith that can guide them throughout life.

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What is Psalm 91?

Psalm 91 is biblical poetry and it details God’s promise of unfailing protection and care for those who trust Him. We have assurance, safety, and peace from dwelling in God’s presence.

This psalm is also a reminder that faith in God is directly related to our safety.

The New Testament has several references to Psalm 91 (see below for the entire Psalm):

  • Matthew 4:6 and Luke 4:10–11: The devil quotes verses 11 and 12 of Psalm 91 during the temptation of Christ Jesus.
  • Luke 10:19: Verse 13 of Psalm 91 is quoted.

When we choose God to be our protector, we’ll find all we need in Him. Our spiritual life is protected by God. We have security amid danger when we trust in God. Even in times of uncertainty, we can trust in God. Wisdom and faith can keep us from being afraid. We can trust God’s will to be done, therefore we have no reason to be afraid.

Whatever happens, nothing shall hurt the believer, even if trouble and dangers surround us. Those who know God set their love upon Him. He promises that in due time He will rescue us. Jesus takes care of all our concerns.

Why personalize Scripture

We personalize Scripture to make it come alive for us. Whether we are personalizing it for ourselves or our children, we see ourselves in Scripture when we make it our own. God intended His Word to be living and powerful (Hebrews 4:12), for every single person. We see the power of God when we declare it over our lives, personally. Almighty God will come to our rescue when we ask Him. You can trust Him with your worst fears when you set yourself in the stories in the Bible.

How to personalize Scripture

Insert a Name

Personalizing Scripture is easier than it sounds and can be a meaningful way to connect with God’s word and banish anxious thoughts. One simple way to do this is by adding your name—or your child’s name—into a verse. For example, take Jeremiah 29:11, which says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.” You could say, “For I know the plans I have for you, [Name].” This small change helps you or your child feel the verse is speaking directly to you.

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Apply to Situation

Another way is to think about specific situations you’re facing and find a verse that relates. For instance, if you’re feeling anxious, reading Philippians 4:6-7 and including your own worries while you read it makes the message feel much more personal and comforting. Using your concordance (the index at the back of your physical Bible) or doing a quick online search at Biblehub can help with this. If you would like to know how to use Biblehub for studying or finding specific verses, this video can help you.


You can also personalize Scripture by journaling about how a verse applies to your life. Take a verse, like Psalm 23:1, “The Lord is my shepherd; I lack nothing,” and write down how this truth makes you feel or how it connects with your own experiences. When children personalize Scripture this way, it helps them understand how God’s promises relate to what they’re going through, whether it’s a tough day at school, making friends, or trying something new. Journaling about Scripture in this way makes God a personal God – One who cares for each of us by name. By creating these personal connections, you make scripture a living, active part of your life, which strengthens your faith and helps you see God’s guidance in everyday moments.

Video Bible studies for everyone

Personalizing Psalm 91

Lord, allow (child’s name) to dwell in the shelter of the Most High

And rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 

(Child’s name)will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,

my God, in whom I trust.”

Surely you will save him/her (child)

from the fowler’s snare

and from the perilous pestilence.

Pleasecover (child’s name) with your feathers,

and under your wings he/she (or child’s name) will find refuge;

Your faithfulness will be his/her (child’s) shield and rampart.

He/she (child)will not fear the terror of night,

nor the arrow that flies by day,

neither the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,

nor the plague that destroys at midday.

A thousand may fall at his/her (child’s) side,

ten thousand at their right hand,

but it will not come near them (him/her).

(Child’s name) will only observe with his/her (child) eyes

and see the punishment of the wicked.

If (child) says, “The Lord is my refuge,”

and he/she makes the Most High their dwelling,

no harm will overtake (child)

no disaster will come near their tent.

Please command your angels concerning (child)

to guard him/her in all his/her ways;

Please lift (child’s name) up in your hands,

so that he/she will not strike their foot against a stone.

You will tread on the lion and the cobra;

you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

 “Because (child’s name) loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him/her;

I will protect him/her, for he/she acknowledges my name.

He/she will call on me, and I will answer him/her;

I will be with him/her in trouble,

I will deliver (child’s name) and honor him/her.

With long life I will satisfy (child’s name)

and show him/her my salvation.”

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Alternative way to personalize as a prayer:

Dear Lord,

Lead (child’s name) to your protection.

Keep him/her safe and be his/her safe place.

Help (child’s name) to declare that you are his/her safety and

help him/her to put his/her trust in you.

Save (child’s name) from all danger and trouble.

Keep him/her from all deadly disease.

Protect him as a mother hen protects her chicks.

Be faithful to (child’s name) and let your faithfulness protect him/her.

Help my child not to be fearful or scared of what may come his/her way.

Even though danger is all around, give (child’s name) peace.

Even though he/she sees all the trouble, don’t let it come near him/her.

Give (child’s name) strength to praise you and stay safe.

Help (child’s name) to trust that you have defeated the enemy.

Know that (child’s name) loves you

And because of that love, rescue him/her from all danger.

Protect (child’s name) as he/she acknowledges that you are God.

Be with him/her in trouble. Deliver him/her from all danger.

Give (child’s name) a long life and honor him/her.

Let (child’s name) see your salvation.

In Jesus’s name, Amen

Find hope amid anxiety through the spiritual practice of breath prayer in this beautifully illustrated and practical guide to connecting body, mind, and spirit during times of stress.

Questions for study about Psalm 91

  1. Check out these articles about what it means to abide. What does it mean to “abide under the shadow of the Almighty?” How can he be your place of safety?
  2. What dangers do we have today? We might not fear a young lion or the snare of the fowler but we have plenty of other real times of trouble.
  3. Do a Google search for God’s faithful promises. Pick your favorite top five and write them down in your journal. For each one, personalize it and make it your own. Then write what each one means to you. Why is it special to you? How do you see His divine protection in these verses?
  4. What would life look like to not be afraid? How can Jesus Christ protect you from being afraid?
  5. Write a prayer that the holy spirit would be your refuge and safe place. Let this be your own personal prayer of protection.
  6. Draw a picture of God covering you with his feathers or being in his secret place of the most high. Be creative! Get out your colored pencils or crayons and have fun with this. No one will see it but you.

❓ What’s your favorite verse to personalize for your child? Tell us in the comments!

With love,

🌸 Andrea

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I am an author, speaker, and communication professor. My specialty is teaching people how to have successful, faith-based relationships. My passion is to teach people how to live out Scripture in healthy relationships, especially at home. I've been married for 29 years and have two boys - ages 19 and 15. I love to bake to show my love, so you'll sometimes see favorite recipes!

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