What makes a truly happy marriage? Is it lots of money? Vacations? Cute wardrobe? Perfect kids? Lots of sex? A happy marriage may have all of these things, but it may not. Lots of people with little money have a happy marriage. And some families NEVER get a vacation and …

The Key Ingredients: What Makes a Truly Happy Marriage? Read more »

Spenders & Savers I’m a saver and my husband is a spender. He still pays off debt and pays the bills, but he enjoys spending money, whereas I enjoy watching it grow in the bank. As I’m sure you can imagine, this difference has caused conflict over the years. We’ve …

Navigating Conflict: Strategies for Effective Communication in Marriage Read more »

Building a Strong Foundation: Communication in Newlywed Marriages When I was a newlywed, I thought our communication would always be great – like it was when we were dating. I thought it would all be hearts and flowers and he would listen like the man of my dreams that he …

Communication in Newlywed Marriages Read more »

Disenchanted When we get married we are filled with joyful anticipation. We imagine this ideal life with the person we just pledged to love forever. Maybe your “happily ever after” means you do things together, or he helps out around the house. Perhaps your dream involves each of you doing …

What to do when marriage isn’t what you thought it would be Read more »