
Helping women take their marriage from 'blah' to breathtaking

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Keynote Signature Presentation – Through the Fire: Using Faith to Ignite, Respect & Engage in Your Marriage

If you’ve been married longer than a minute, you know that with time joy tends to fade in marriage. Life becomes ho-hum and loses its vibrancy. My presentation uses personal experience of 29 years of marriage, Biblical truth, and marital research to teach women my custom four-part technique teaching women how to dream again and recapture the love and purpose their marriage once had.

Book A Discovery Call

Email me at Andrea.Scott.PhD@gmail.com or send an inquiry message through the contact form.

Audience Members Are Talking about Dr. Scott...

“I highly recommended Andrea with Write Speak Relate for speaking engagements.  She is so insightful & engaging.  I really like that she uses real life situations for examples and helping us understand how she was able to overcome those obstacles.    She connected well with the group & I look forward to hearing her speak again this year!” Pamela


“Dr. Scott’s marriage speech was so heartfelt.  She is authentic, likeable, and truly reaches into your heart to the part of you that yearns to be a better spouse.  Thank you for sharing your story with us!”  Jackie T